We wish you and your family a very happy Easter.Happy Easter - Empty Tomb

It is a hugely different Easter compared to Easter 2020, which was soon after the start of the COVID pandemic.

Last year my wife Robyn and I watched Good Friday and Easter Sunday church services online via Facebook in my study. We even celebrated communion online.

This year we can go to our church for Easter services. Today is Good Friday and in the church service we remember and give thanks for Christ’s crucifixion 2000 year ago. On Easter Sunday we celebrate Christ being risen from death. We can now associate and fellowship with friends and family at church and now we can sing hymns and songs.

As well, I have a patient in labour, and I will also need to visit postnatal patients in both Norwest and the San hospitals.

In contrast to what was permitted last year, on Easter Monday we have an extended family and friends gathering for lunch at our home. Happy Easter - Easter Egg HuntAttending will be our children with their spouses and their children, Robyn’s sister her husband and their children and grandchildren, our daughter Emily’s good friend and her husband and son, and a friend of Robyn and her sister since childhood. It will be large and enjoyable time. There will be lots of Easter eggs for the kids.

In contrast to last year new mums who have just confined can have family and friends visit in hospital and share in the joy of their new babies.

Patients have been telling me of their holiday plans this Easter and school holiday period. This is so different to last year when this was not possible.

I have had my first injection of the Astra Zeneca COVID vaccine. My next injection will be in June. The vaccine is gradually becoming available to all Australian adults.

When you consider the ongoing COVID crisis in so many other countries, we in Australia are truly blessed. The COVID pandemic has been addressed so well by the Federal and NSW Governments. The incidence of COVID has been exceptionally low. Our health care system has functioned much better than health care systems in so many other countries. Our front-line workers have done an excellent job. Now the vaccine is being rolled out.

I suspect travelling overseas and tourist visitors coming to Australia will not be allowed for a long time yet as opening the borders exposes Australia to the likelihood of new infections from overseas countries. Robyn and I had paid a deposit for an Antarctic cruise at the end of February 2021. This was cancelled. I suspect we personally will not be travelling overseas until 2023.

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*Saturday morning appointments are not available for initial antenatal visit.