


What is a miscarriage? Miscarriage which is also called spontaneous abortion is defined as the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation. In the first third of pregnancy, a miscarriage is called a first-trimester miscarriage. A miscarriage that occurs in the...

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I first met Alison for management of her most recent pregnancy. I took a past obstetric history from her… 2003 14wks MC D&C 2003 12wks MC D&C 2004 36wks Bleeding in pregnancy, spontaneous onset of labour, SVD*, healthy boy Birth weight 3515gms. 2005 8wks MC no...

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Eight pregnancies, two babies

Eight pregnancies, two babies

I first met Laura in 2013. She saw me for management of her third pregnancy. Her first two pregnancies had been unsuccessful. She had had two early first trimester miscarriages. She was not aware of a reason why she miscarried. Her third pregnancy was also not...

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Grieving after a miscarriage

Grieving after a miscarriage

In a health topics Q & A website where I was invited to be a health expert I was asked the question: “How do you recover from a miscarriage? My family thinks I should "be over" my miscarriage by now, but I'm still grieving. Is this normal?” This is a very relevant...

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*Saturday morning appointments are not available for initial antenatal visit.