I was chatting with a midwife who works at a local public hospital after church yesterday. She told me they have been very busy. She said last year they had the highest number of births on record. The increased number of maternity bookings at this public hospital is...
Dr Gary Sykes
Happy New Year
Happy Christmas
Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas
Study hard
My oldest grandchild is doing her HSC trial examinations. She should do well. I have encouraged my grandchildren to study hard, sharing with them my own story. I was brought up in a fibro house with an outside toilet in southwest Sydney. I was the middle of three...
Self-funding private pregnancy care
I am finding more pregnant patients are self-funding. They want private pregnancy care with a specialist obstetrician and are either not in health fund or they did not realise that the health fund cover they took out did not include private hospital pregnancy care. To...
“I hope you will still be around when I have my next baby”
Erin saw me for her postnatal visit yesterday. She said to me as she was leaving: “I hope you will still be around when I have my next baby” Patients say that comment or similar comments to me often at their postnatal visits. They appreciate my care and want me to be...
I will be on holidays with my wife on an Antarctica Cruises from tomorrow, 21st February, until Monday 18th March. I have an excellent obstetrician colleague covering if needed. The office is open while I am away. My secretaries Kylee and Lauren will be available to...
My daughter Mandy
My daughter Mandy Witt is a therapist. I have given her use of an office in my rooms to see clients. Her business is called Mandy Witt Therapy. Information is at https://mandywitt.com. So, if you see someone you don’t know working in my rooms or non-pregnant people...
Ransomware attack
I have a new patient who told be at her first antenatal visit that she works in cyber security. Cyber security is of increasing importance. Cyber security protects an organisation and its employees and assets against cyber threats. I told her that my computer system...
Happy Easter
We wish you and your family a very happy and blessed Easter.
My holiday away time 2024
I will be away overseas between Thursday 22nd February 2024 and Sunday 17th March 2024. That means I will not be available to deliver your baby between those dates. You will not be able to book with me for pregnancy care if your EDC is in this away time period....
Why my waiting room is often empty
I have a busy obstetric practice. I endeavour to keep to appointment times and so patients are usually not having to wait to see me. Because of this, I usually have an empty waiting room. The origins of keeping to appointment times this go back to when my wife,...
Happy Christmas
Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas
Swaddle is ending
Sadly the very popular Swaddle program is ending. The last day for bookings for the HCF - San Swaddle program is 31 January, 2023. That means you must be pregnant and have registered through the San for the Swaddle program before the 1st February 2023. So if you are...
My holiday away time 2023
I will be away overseas on holidays between Tuesday 20th June 2023 and Monday 17th July 2023. That means I will not be available to deliver your baby between those dates. You will not be able to book with me for pregnancy care if your EDC is in this away time period....
Happy New Year
Happy Christmas
b Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas
Baby Orlando is born
Last Monday evening Emily, our second daughter, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who she and her husband Jeremy have named Orlando. Orlando is their second and has an older brother Hudson. Orlando is our 10th grandchild. All went well with Orlando’s birth. Mother...
Berry holiday
Each two years we take the family on a family holiday. We recently did this. We stayed at a large home just outside Berry. It was found by our daughter-in-law, Tanya. There were enough rooms / beds for everyone. There was enough space for the grandchildren to play...
Happy Easter
We wish you and your family a very happy Easter. It is a hugely different Easter compared to Easter 2020, which was soon after the start of the COVID pandemic. Last year my wife Robyn and I watched Good Friday and Easter Sunday church services online via Facebook in...
Thank you
It is essential I have the support of other people in making my busy obstetric practice successful and providing patients with quality, caring pregnancy care. In this post I would like to acknowledge and thank the wonderful people who have supported me. Secretarial...
Happy Christmas
Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas
Coffs Harbour holiday
Because of COVID international border closures my wife Robyn and I had to cancel our holiday next February. Instead we are taking a shorter break at Coffs Harbour. I will be back on duty on the 5th December. Kylee and Emily are still working at the office if you have...
My professional opinion
I arrived at the office on a recent Friday morning. My secretary told me there was a message left on the answering machine the night before from a solicitor in the United Kingdom. He did not give any details except he wanted my email address as he wanted to send me an...
In view of the ongoing COVID concerns and associated challenges my wife and I have decided not to book a holiday in 2021 for the time being. Rather we plan to take a couple of short breaks for a few days at times when there are no patients due.
Holiday 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has meant we have had to change our holiday plans in 2021. I will now be away from Saturday 6th March 2021 to Monday 22nd March 2021. That means if you conceive with your LMP between 30th May 2020 and 15th June 2020 I will not be available to...
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Easter
We wish you and your family a very happy Easter. It has been very different and very quiet Easter for us this year because of coronavirus. Besides visiting postnatal patients in hospital and delivering a baby on Easter Sunday I have been at home with my wife Robyn. We...
Keep calm and stay at home
There is so much anxiety and fear in the community, including amongst my patients, about COVID-19 (coronavirus). It is impossible to turn on the radio, TV or social media without being confronted with negative COVID-19 information. My daughter refuses to watch the...
Coronavirus statistics interpretation
When I went to the Birth Unit yesterday morning one of the midwives told me she had been distressed by what the on-call anaesthetist had told her was the predicted death rate from coronavirus for people of her age. I told her that I did not agree with what he said....
My holiday time
I will be away on holidays between Tuesday 23rd February 2021 and Tuesday 23rd March 2021. That means I will not be available to deliver your baby between those dates. You will not be able to book with me for pregnancy care if your EDC is in this time period. Working...
San – HCF Swaddle celebration evening
Last Thursday evening the Sydney Adventist (San) Hospital and HCF had an exciting evening to which I was invited. The meeting was to celebrate the launch of the new Swaddle Maternity Package. Swaddle (San Baby Bundle Maternity Package) is an Australian first. ‘No gap’...
Using social media in my medical practice
I have recently been invited to participate in a survey about doctors’ business use of social media to communicate with patients. The same people who contacted me did a similar survey of doctors five years ago and concluded ‘most Australian doctors didn't have the...
Public vs private pregnancy care
A patient returned to see me for pregnancy management. Because she had discontinued her health fund membership, she told me this time I will not be delivering her baby, and she will be confined as a public patient. She will continue to see me throughout the pregnancy...
Solo vs group obstetric practices
I am a solo obstetrician practitioner. By that comment I mean I have my own rooms (office), my own secretarial staff, I see all patients who book with me for pregnancy at each antenatal visit myself, I manage all patients who book with me in labour (with the support...
Taking time off
My last blog It is good to be back prompted a Facebook comment from an old patient who moved overseas to live after her first pregnancy. I have Donna’s permission to repost her comment: “I love how dedicated you are Gary and it makes a huge difference to people. I...
It is good to be back
My wife Robyn and I arrived home on Saturday night after a wonderful four-week holiday. We spent two weeks cruising in France and then almost two weeks visiting old friends in the United Kingdom. These friendships were kindled when we lived in the United Kingdom (two...
Resuming work this weekend
I have decided I am well enough to resume deliveries from Saturday 9th February and office consultations from Monday 11th February. I have made a faster recovery from my severe pneumonia than anticipated. My respiratory physician is very pleased with my recovery and...
My recent health
On Tuesday 8th January I was admitted to ICU with a very severe and unusual type of pneumonia. Through God’s grace, the excellent care of the doctors and nurses looking after me and the right medications I am on the road to a full recovery. My recovery so far has been...
Christmas and New Year holiday season office open days
Because of the Christmas and New Year holiday season our office will only be open on Friday 28th December and Monday 31st December. Normal opening days will resume on Wednesday 2nd January. I (Dr Gary Sykes) am working during the entire Christmas and New Year holiday...
I have an unpredictable life
Last week was very busy. So, my wife Robyn and I decided to relax and see a movie on Sunday afternoon. We decided to see ‘Mission: Impossible – Fallout’. In case a patient went into labour, I didn’t book the tickets until 10.00am on Sunday. I had to do an online...
New ultrasound machine
On Friday I took ownership of a new GE Voluson P8 ultrasound machine. Besides all the features of my previous GE ultrasound machine there is greater clarity in photos and now I can export to your USB 3D video clips of your baby moving and sound video clips of your...
Please avoid getting pregnant in the next month
I will be away on holidays between Saturday 4th May 2019 and Saturday 1st June 2019. That means I will not be available to deliver your baby between those dates. You will not be able to book with me for pregnancy care if your EDC is in this time period. Working back...
I am an obstetrician
My business/practice focus is now pregnancy and childbirth management. Over 90% of patients see me because they are pregnant and want me to be their obstetrician. Women phone my office to make appointments to see me about gynaecology problems. My secretary will say is...
What is an obstetrician’s role during a pregnancy and birth?
I was recently asked the question: “What is an obstetrician’s role during pregnancy and childbirth?” Before answering that question, I should mention what an obstetrician is. This topic is covered in my website article ‘What is an obstetrician?’ An obstetrician is a...
Why you should not quit your health fund
At this time of year, there is a lot of media attention given to private health insurance and premiums going up. While the media ads are trying to encourage you to join /change to a fund the ads and media attention can have the opposite impact and some people will...
Last Sunday afternoon
Last Sunday afternoon my wife and I went to see the movie ‘The Accountant’. Nothing was happening so I thought it was safe. I always sit by the aisle just in case. Two-thirds of the way through the movie I had a call. I left my wife in the cinema and attended quickly...
Testimonials are not permitted on medical websites
I wish to thank so many of you who have given me such wonderful feedback about the care I have provided for you and your unborn baby during your pregnancy. It warms my heart and gives me such great joy. I do my very best to provide the best medical care I can possibly...
Health insurance premiums USA vs. Aus
My wife read a Facebook post from a lady we know from the USA about the increase in their monthly private health insurance premium. It read “Opened my mail today. $2,069.03. What my "covers nothing until $6,300 a person is spent, not even meds" but costs right now...
Experience is so important when there is a ‘struck by a flock of geese’ crisis.
Last weekend my wife and I saw the movie ‘Sully’. It is a great movie to see. I recommend it. It is based on the true story of Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger who on January 15th, 2009 successfully makes an emergency landing in New York's Hudson River after the US...
What is an obstetrician?
I am asked from time to time: What is an obstetrician? What is the difference between an obstetrician and a gynaecologist? What is the difference between an obstetrician and a midwife? What is an obstetrician? An obstetrician is a specialist medical doctor. An...
Obstetric Excellence website has a new look
I am so often getting positive feedback about my Obstetric Excellence website. Patients frequently tell me how informative it is, how easy to navigate it is, how interesting the articles are to read. Thank you. A key aim in providing such a comprehensive pregnancy...
Make sure you have the right health fund cover for your pregnancy
A couple met with me for a ‘meet and greet’ appointment. They were very excited. She was pregnant for the first time and they were looking forward to starting a family. At the end of the appointment I asked: “Do you have any further questions?” He nervously told me...
End of year – A time to review and plan
The end of December is the time of the year when people reflect on the year that has happened and plan for the year about to start. During this holiday season, I have been doing just that. 2015 has been a wonderful year for me with lots of positives. It has been an...
Happy Christmas
Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas
Social media is a great asset to my obstetric practice
Patients often compliment me on how well I have l embraced social media in my obstetric practice. I appreciate very much this positive feedback. I feel very comfortable with using social media. As well, I recognise that social media is popularly used by most of my...
Pregnancy care management fee
Why am I charged a pregnancy care management fee? From time to time patients ask why they need to pay the pregnancy care management fee when they pay for each antenatal visit. The Medicare management fee item number was introduced by the Federal Government when the...
A unique job
Recently Samantha wrote a wonderful post on my personal Facebook page. The words and photo gave me such joy and led me to reflect on what a wonderful job I have. It is quite a unique job. As an obstetrician, I am supporting a woman and her husband/partner during one...
The lifestyle of an obstetrician
Patients often ask me what it is like to be an obstetrician I answer: “It is a fantastic career. I love being an obstetrician. It is wonderful to be able to support a patient on her pregnancy-and-delivery journey and to celebrate with her and her husband/partner the...
What is an obstetrician?
What is an obstetrician? It is not unusual to be asked: “What is an obstetrician?” An obstetrician is a specialist medical doctor who looks after (manages) women who are pregnant. An obstetrician also manages a woman and her unborn baby in labour and delivers her baby...
Why I am an obstetrician
I am often asked why I am an obstetrician The decision to become an obstetrician goes back to medical school when I was doing a term in obstetrics. One of the students in our tutorial group asked the obstetrician tutor why he was an obstetrician. His replied: "it’s a...
Comparing Health Funds
A patient attended today for her first antenatal visit of her second pregnancy. She wasn’t planning a second pregnancy just yet. So, to save money, she had dropped pregnancy care cover with her health fund. She said she was going to take it up again in the future when...
Professional behaviour amongst professionals
For a number of weeks I have been ‘covering’ an obstetrician colleague. Initially it was because he was on holidays and more recently it is because he has been unwell. This ‘cover’ has included confining his patients who go into labour, seeing his patients for...
Mother’s Day treat
It’s Mother’s Day tomorrow. “Happy Mother’s Day” to all mums and mums-to-be. A patient and her husband brought both grandmothers-to-be to the antenatal visit today to watch their future grandchild on the ultrasound screen. They said it was a Mother’s Day treat. Junior...
The first antenatal visit
It is so exciting to have the first antenatal visit with a couple during their first pregnancy. By their expressions and their words, you can tell their incredible excitement and expectation that it is such a joyful time. But they have never been on this incredible...
More about me
I am a fully accredited specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist based in Sydney, Australia. My consulting rooms are in Norwest, a subdivision of Baulkham Hills which is the next to Castle Hill. I have admitting rights to the Norwest Private Hospital, Bella Vista...
About me
This Blog site is all about pregnancy, pregnancy care, childbirth, and the joy of having a baby. Conceiving, carrying and delivering a baby remains one of life's greatest miracles. While childbirth is a highly personal experience, it is one that is shared with others....
This is my first blog!
This is my first blog! Blogging is an excellent way for me, a passionate obstetrician gynaecologist doctor, to communicate. I am very excited about technological enhancements to how we communicate and can see a huge future for them in medicine. To enhance my obstetric...
Book an appointment now
- Monday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Tuesday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Wednesday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Thursday morning 9.00am to 12.30pm
- Thursday alternate afternoons 2.00pm to 4.30pm
- Friday alternate mornings 9.00am to 1.00pm
- Friday afternoon 2.00pm to 4.30pm
- Saturday mornings 9.30am to 12.00 midday*
*Saturday morning appointments are not available for initial antenatal visit.