I am so often getting positive feedback about my Obstetric Excellence website. Patients frequently tell me how informative it is, how easy to navigate it is, how interesting the articles are to read. Thank you.
A key aim in providing such a comprehensive pregnancy information source has been to provide a better alternative to Dr Google or friends and family when a patient is seeking pregnancy advice. I have written all the articles myself. If there is a topic you feel we need to cover that is not covered then please let me know.
What is amazing in the global audience of the website. The website is visited by people who are not patients who live not only throughout Australia but on other continents. Indeed I even get pregnancy questions from time to time from pregnant women living in other countries.
My fantastic and hard working web designer/webmaster Luke Beeton of Sailor Studio (www.sailorstudio.com.au) felt it was time to refresh the look of the website and enhance its functionality. Luke has now done this. I think the new look is great. There will be further enhancements happening soon. Thanks Luke doing this. Thank you also Luke for all your hard work in maintaining the website.
I hope you enjoy the new look Obstetric Excellence website.