Male Circumcision

I am personally available to circumcise your baby son if it is your request.

For me to agree to your request to do your son’s circumcision, there must no medical or anatomical contraindications, the procedure is done within the first four weeks of your son’s life and your son weighs less than 4.0Kg when he is circumcised.

I only provide this service to my own patients. I do not circumcise the newborn son of someone who did not come to me as a patient for pregnancy care.

I use the Plastibell technique. There is information about the procedure in the Question and Answers section in the article titled Circumcision.

I have done many hundreds of circumcisions over many years. I have used various circumcision techniques. I prefer the Plastibell as it is safer and give a good cosmetic outcome. 

Arranging for your son to be circumcised.

The best time to inquire about circumcision is the day after your delivery. I will then discuss the matter in detail with you.

You will need to sign the hospital consent form for your son as it is an operation.

If you deliver at the Sydney Adventist Hospital the operation can be done on the Birthing Unit ward before you are discharged home, if suitable. Otherwise, it is done in the San operating theatre after you have been discharged.

If you deliver at Norwest Private Hospital, Norwest Private Hospital insists on the circumcision being done in the operating theatre before you are discharged. If that is not possible or suitable then I can do it in Sydney Adventist Hospital operating theatre after you have been discharged from Norwest Private Hospital.

Baby Circumcision

On the day

There is no need for your baby to be fasting as there is no general anaesthetic. Bring extra nappies and a dummy for your baby to suck on during the procedure.


Give your son a feed as soon as possible after he is returned to you after the operation.

Your baby will need to be observed usually for about two hours afterwards to make sure there is no bleeding and he can pass urine ok. He won’t need any baby paracetamol, etc. Don’t bath him for 24 hours after the operation. Then nothing special needs to be done. There is no need for special cleaning, etc.

The plastic ring falls off after about 72 hours. Sometimes it will fall off sooner. That’s ok. If it comes off in part and is still attached in part, don’t try to pull it off or cut it off as you will cause bleeding. After it comes off the penis foreskin remnant where it has been attached can look quite sloughy. It will look a bit like the umbilicus after the umbilical cord clamp comes off. That is ok, it is not infected and there is no need for concern. If you have any concerns please contact my office.

More information

Please now go to Circumcision in the Questions and Answers section for information on the circumcision technique and pros and cons. This article has important reading when deciding what to do and before signing the hospital’s operation consent form.


Information about the cost of your son’s circumcision procedure is available from my secretary.

Newborn circumcision is not covered by your pregnancy care and delivery fees as it has nothing to do with my management of your pregnancy.

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  • Monday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
  • Tuesday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
  • Wednesday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
  • Thursday morning 9.00am to 12.30pm
  • Thursday alternate afternoons 2.00pm to 4.30pm
  • Friday alternate mornings 9.00am to 1.00pm
  • Friday afternoon 2.00pm to 4.30pm
  • Saturday mornings 9.30am to 12.00 midday*

*Saturday morning appointments are not available for initial antenatal visit.