Physical Appearance in PregnancyPhysical appearance is an important matter to many women and being pregnant can cause major concern because of the associated changes in body shape. There are some pregnant women who enjoy the physical appearance changes that come with being pregnant, while others struggle with it and want to get their old body shape back.

Common comments from pregnant women are: my pre-pregnancy clothes don’t fit, I need to improvise and wear my husband’s /partner’s tops, I need to use a hair elastic looped through my trousers button to keep my trousers up, my bra is too tight, I have swollen feet and only can wear thongs, my face is swollen, I now have acne, I have stretch marks, etc, etc.

Body appearance changes due to pregnancy can result in a woman having a love-hate relationship with her changing figure and looks.

Weight gain is a major concern for many pregnant women. Some woman will endeavour to limit their weight gain by dieting during pregnancy, but that is not a good nutritional idea. It is normal to gain weight in pregnancy – usually about 10 to 12 Kg. If you are eating quality nutritional food, then don’t be concerned about weight gain in pregnancy.

If you are eating well but are concerned about the increasing number on the weight scales as pregnancy advances then try to alleviate the stress on yourself by focusing on your baby in your womb. Think about how wonderful it is that your baby is sharing your body.

Remember you should be able to get back into your pre-pregnancy clothes after you have had a baby. The swelling will go, the acne will go, the stretch marks will fade, and you can work out to get fit and restore body tone and shape. You will be rewarded with a beautiful baby that you will love and nurture. The pregnancy changes to your appearance are worth it!!

Please enjoy this momentous time. Remember you are carrying your baby inside you, your pregnancy only lasts for a relatively short time period, and this very special time will end. When I chat with a woman who has been pregnant so often she will smile as she reflects and says how pregnancy was such a special and wonderful time in her life.

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  • Thursday alternate afternoons 2.00pm to 4.30pm
  • Friday alternate mornings 9.00am to 1.00pm
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  • Saturday mornings 9.30am to 12.00 midday*

*Saturday morning appointments are not available for initial antenatal visit.