Obstetrician Norwest | Obstetrics
- Professional, personalised and friendly care
- 4D ultrasound scanning at every antenatal visit
- Knowledge, understanding and accommodation of your personal childbirth requests
- Easily accessed pregnancy information and communication.
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Our Obstetric Services

Planning your Pregnancy
Your journey towards pregnancy begins with planning your pregnancy even before you embark on the path to conceive. We strongly recommend that you strive for optimal health before taking that important step. This entails maintaining a reasonable level of fitness, adhering to a nutritious and well-balanced diet, and avoiding excess weight.
Being in peak health can significantly enhance your chances of conceiving sooner and experiencing a smooth and trouble-free pregnancy and delivery. Your physical and emotional wellbeing can profoundly influence the wellbeing of your future child. If you have any pre-existing health issues, it is crucial to ensure they are optimally managed before attempting to conceive. It is very important to please share any chance of high risk pregnancies or any general gynaecology concerns so we can look after you accordingly.
It is advisable to consult your doctor or our Norwest obstetrician office prior to conceiving so that your management plan, medications, and other relevant factors can be carefully reviewed and adjusted in consideration of pregnancy. Even if you haven’t encountered any previous health concerns, it is a prudent idea to schedule a pre-pregnancy planning appointment with your general practitioner. During this obstetrician visit, your overall health, pap smear, menstrual problems, vaccination history, any potential issues or any general obstetrics questions can be assessed and addressed as needed.
Antenatal Care
Congratulations – You’re pregnant!
The next step in your pregnancy journey with us is your first antenatal visit. At this initial visit, Dr Sykes will spend time getting to know you and your expectations. We allow plenty of time for this visit, so you don’t feel rushed. Our gynaecological services take your full medical history including any past pregnancies and conduct a sufficient physical examination as appropriate.
What should you bring to your appointment?
- Referral letter from your doctor
- Any relevant past medical history
- Any pathology and scan results that may be relevant
- Your Medicare and health fund details (if you are in a health fund)
All antenatal patients can have an ultrasound scan at each Norwest obstetrician visit, with any photos and videos exported to a personalised USB drive provided by us, for free!
Subsequent antenatal visits are a great way to check your progress throughout pregnancy, your wellbeing, and the wellbeing of your baby. It can also help to identify any problems, address any queries or concerns you may have and start planning your delivery.
- Every 4-6 weeks until 28 weeks
- Every 2-3 weeks until 36 weeks
- Weekly until delivery
At these visits, you are welcome to bring your partner as well as your parents or friends if they wish to see the baby’s ultrasound. We also check:
- Your blood pressure
- Abdomen palpation
- Your baby’s wellbeing and growth via an ultrasound
- Urine testing for protein and sugar
- Weight
Please bring along a list of any questions, concerns, or special requests. We want to provide you with personalised care and satisfy any concerns and requests.
Labour and Delivery
We are here to support you throughout your entire labour and delivery journey. When you go into labour, your contractions are getting stronger and are every 10min, phone either the Norwest Hospital Birth Unit, Westmead Hospital or the San Hospital Birthing Unit. Here, the midwife will advise me of your admission, progress and the wellbeing of you and your baby.
Frequently Asked Labour Questions:
Do you have a particular opinion on Birthing Positions?
What if I need Pain Relief?
Can you Induce my Labour?
Induction of labour can be done by your Norwest obstetrician if you are concerned about being overdue, you or your baby’s wellbeing or your baby’s size.
Can my Partner Stay with me?
Your husband/partner is encouraged to stay with you throughout your labour and delivery and can participate in the delivery if you wish including cutting the umbilical cord. If you would like to have other support people with you, this can be done after speaking with us and the labour ward/birth unit prior to your admittance.
Can I Exercise during Pregnancy?
Engaging in regular walks is a fantastic idea. Additionally, you can explore antenatal exercise classes offered both at the hospital and through private providers.
Checklist for when deciding to have a Baby:
- Health fund. Make sure you have appropriate health fund cover that covers you for confinement in a private hospital.
- Vaccinations. Make sure all your vaccinations are up to date.
- Other health issues. If you have other health issues, then make sure management is optimal before conceiving.
- Well women check. See your GP for well women check.
- Past obstetric history. If you have had miscarriages, advanced pregnancy losses or significant pregnancy or childbirth complications then I suggest you book a pre pregnancy consultation with me.
- Optimal weight. Aim to be at an optimal weight.
- Optimal diet. Get into the habit of having a quality diet with minimum junk food and carbonated drinks.
- Optimal fitness. You don’t need to join a gym but certainly, start exercising more. This could be going for regular walks.
- Folic acid. Folic acid helps prevent spina bifida.
- Dentist. Have a dental check-up as you are more prone to dental caries (tooth decay) in pregnancy.
- Stop smoking. If you smoke, then stop. No level of smoking is safe in pregnancy.
- Coffee and tea. Coffee and tea are now considered safe in pregnancy.
- Stop social drugs. Recreational drugs are not only harmful to you but also can lead to birth defects and DNA damages in your baby.
My Baby is nearly here - What do I need?
You can read more about what you need to prepare for your baby in this article.
My Baby is nearly here – What do I need?
Pack Your Bag. By about 36 weeks pregnant have your hospital bags packed. Make a written note of last-minute items you will need to add.
You can read more about what you need to prepare for your baby in this article.
Postnatal Care
Postnatal visitswith your Norwest obstetrician take place 6 weeks after your delivery where we will make sure you are recovering well. Any medical issues will be addressed, a pelvic examination and a pap smear will be taken if it’s due. We will also discuss any considerations from your recent pregnancy, labour, or childbirth that may be relevant for a future pregnancy, should you choose to have another baby.
At this time, your baby will also need to be checked by your paediatrician. While Dr Sykes will not be examining your baby in your postnatal visit, we encourage you to bring your new baby along so we can share in your special celebration.
Want to know more about our Obstetric Services or book an appointment with Dr Sykes?
Contact us today or give us a call on 02 9680 3004.
Book an appointment now
- Monday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Tuesday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Wednesday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Thursday morning 9.00am to 12.30pm
- Thursday alternate afternoons 2.00pm to 4.30pm
- Friday alternate mornings 9.00am to 1.00pm
- Friday afternoon 2.00pm to 4.30pm
- Saturday mornings 9.30am to 12.00 midday*
*Saturday morning appointments are not available for initial antenatal visit.