Both Norwest Private Hospital and the Sydney Adventist Hospital have increased their COVID precautions because of the increasing number of COVID case in the community.

There are differences between the hospitals precautions because each is a privately owned hospital and each determines what precautions are considered appropriate. I suspect one consideration in the differences in their precautions is that Norwest is geographically closer to the high risk COVID suburbs than the San.

These precautions are dated 28th July and will change as the community COVID situation changes.

Norwest Private Hospital

If booked for Caesarean section or inductionCOVID-19 Precautions

You will be phoned by the Hospital 4 days prior to admission, and again on the day before admission to assess if you can attend and if need a COVID swab prior.

If you live in one of the high COVID risk lock down LGA’s

  • If you live in one of the high COVID risk lockdown LGA’s (today is Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Blacktown, Liverpool, Parramatta, Campbelltown, Georges River) you will need to have had a negative COVID swab within 72hrs of admission.
  • For ‘unplanned’ admissions (e.g. spontaneous labour or spontaneous rupture of membranes) or assessments (e.g. needing CTG), and if you are from a high COVID risk lock down LGA the staff will check whether you have had a negative COVID swab within last 72hrs. They will do this either when you phone in or arrive the Birth Unit.

If you are from one of the high COVID risk lock down LGA’s and have not had a negative COVID swab within 72hrs of admission you will need to have a rapid COVID swab test done on admission.

If you have not visited a hotspot, have not been informed by NSW Public Health that you are a ‘close contact’ or meant to be in isolation, and are not COVID symptomatic the Birth Unit staff will treat you as COVID negative whilst awaiting the rapid COVID swab test result. It takes about 3hrs for the result and the there is no ‘out of pocket’ expense for this COVID swab.

If increased risk of COVID infection

If you are symptomatic, and/or have been to a hot spot, and/or in contact with a known COVID positive person (therefore a close contact), you will be treated as COVID positive until the swab result is known.

Husband /partner

Same COVID precautions as stated above for you.

If you or your husband/partner have a COVID positive test result

If you are COVID positive and delivery is not imminent or needed urgently you will be advised to attend Westmead Public Hospital for confinement. You will not have your baby at Norwest Private Hospital.

If your husband/partner has a COVID infection, then your husband/partner will not be allowed to enter the Hospital. If your husband /partner has a COVID positive swab result, then your husband/partner will need to immediately leave the Hospital. NSW Health protocol will be observed.



Sydney Adventist Hospital (the San)

If you live in one of the high COVID risk lock down LGA’s

Patients and husbands/partners from the Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Blacktown, Liverpool, Parramatta, Campbelltown, Georges River Local Government Areas will need to get COVID swabs weekly from 36 weeks gestation.

If this is COVID screening is not done, then you and/or your husband/partner will be treated at COVID positive until a negative result of a rapid COVID swab done on admission is available. This result takes about 3hrs to come through. There will be no personal fee for you or your husband/partner

If not from a high COVID risk lock down LGA

If not from a high COVID risk lock down LGA then you and/or your husband/partner will not need to get COVID swabs weekly from 36 weeks gestation.

If increased risk of COVID infection

If you are symptomatic, and/or have been to a hot spot, and/or in contact with a known COVID positive person (therefore a close contact), you will be treated as COVID positive until the COVID rapid test swab result (taken on your admission) is known.

If your husband/partner is symptomatic, and/or have been to a hot spot, and/or in contact with a known COVID positive person (therefore a close contact), the your husband/partner will be treated as COVID positive until the COVID rapid test swab result (taken on your admission) is known.

If you or your husband/partner have a COVID positive test result

If you have COVID infection positive, then you can be confined at the SAN with appropriate COVID precautions.

If your husband/partner has a COVID infection, then your husband/partner will not be allowed to enter the Hospital. If your husband /partner has a COVID positive swab result, then your husband/partner will need to immediately leave the Hospital. NSW Health protocol will be observed.

Book an appointment now

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
  • Monday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
  • Tuesday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
  • Wednesday all day 9.00am to 4.30pm
  • Thursday morning 9.00am to 12.30pm
  • Thursday alternate afternoons 2.00pm to 4.30pm
  • Friday alternate mornings 9.00am to 1.00pm
  • Friday afternoon 2.00pm to 4.30pm
  • Saturday mornings 9.30am to 12.00 midday*

*Saturday morning appointments are not available for initial antenatal visit.