Marelle had first trimester miscarriages in 2018 and 2019.
Later in 2019 she had a pregnancy loss at 22weeks because of spontaneous rupture of membranes with umbilical cord prolapse.
In 2021, Marelle had a successful pregnancy. Her pregnancy was complicated by insulin dependent gestational diabetes. At the end of the pregnancy, she was on 90 units of insulin per day. Because of the diabetes and her history, I induced her labour at 38 weeks gestation. Prostaglandin gel was used to ripen her cervix. With the gel there were uterine contractions. There was then an abnormal foetal heart rate pattern. Marelle needed an emergency Caesarean section delivery because of foetal distress. I found at delivery her baby’s umbilical cord was below her baby’s head, with cord compression being the likely reason for foetal distress. The position of the umbilical cord was not apparent at the internal examination as her cervix was not sufficiently dilated.
In her recent pregnancy, pregnancy Marelle again had insulin dependent gestational diabetes. She required 68 units of insulin just before delivery. An elective Caesarean section was planned. She was admitted with spontaneous rupture of membranes and in early labour at 38 weeks 0 days, just prior to the scheduled date. She had an uneventful emergency Caesarean section. She delivered a girl weighing 3560gms.
Marelle is wonderful patient. Despite her obstetric history she has shown amazing perseverance, calmness, compliance and trust in my pregnancy care. She has been rewarded with two beautiful babies.
Marelle’s story should give other women who are having challenges in having a baby hope. Perseverance and good quality pregnancy care are key factors in achieving your goal of having a baby.