The Mirena IUCD is very popular method of contraception. Most women have no issues with it after insertion, it gives very effective contraception, is cheap, and usually results in no or minimal menstrual loss.
When it was introduced by Bayer Pharmaceutical recommended the Mirena IUCD be changed each 5 years. This recommendation has changed. Bayer now report it gives effective contraception for up to eight years
The Bayer Australia NZ website states:
“MIRENA is inserted into the uterine cavity. It has been shown to be effective for up to 8 years for contraception”.
Kyleena IUCD
The Mirena IUCD contains 52mg of the contraceptive hormone levonorgestrel. The smaller Kyleena IUCD has 19.5 mg of levonorgestrel.
Bayer recommend “Kyleena is inserted into the uterine cavity and is effective for up to five years.”
So while the Kyleena is smaller and so can be more comfortable especially for woman who has never had an ongoing pregnancy, it contains less contraceptive hormone and so needs to be replaced more often than the Mirena IUCD.